Emma has nearly finished her apprenticeship and finds it’s engineered her confidence not solely for work but personally too, she is encircled by a corroborative team, helping her whenever she asks. Her communication skills immensely improved as she is continually speaking with parents, talking to employees and also the kids. She additionally said that her time management skills have developed through vast tasks such as observations and being on time to work!
We asked Emma to describe her apprenticeship in two words and she said ‘Challenging but rewarding. Emma boldly advised any other young person who is considering an apprenticeship to be confident, she goes on to say ‘just because you are an apprentice, doesn’t make you different, you are still an employee’, she urges others to use their initiative and make themselves part of the team!
We also asked Emma what biscuit she would be and why. Emma said she’d be ‘a Party Ring because they are sweet and colourful which reflects her happy, sweet personality! Emma says one of her highlights throughout her apprenticeship has been working with key children. She adores the bonds she creates with these children, ‘it’s very rewarding to see them so happy and how you have enhanced their learning, you can see the progress’ she says.
Semin, Emma’s tutor is ‘so supportive’. Emma explained her tutor sends her plenty of guidance and help, for example, sending links to websites, additional information, calling/emailing her to ensure she is on the right track. ‘She always has an abundance of resources I can use’ Emma concludes.
Four months ago, Emma completed her level 3 qualification in childcare, congratulations Emma!