Safeguarding is the action taken to promote the welfare of all people and to keep them safe from harm.
At Prevista, keeping everyone throughout our organisation  safe and sound is  our priority. We adhere to all government policies surrounding safeguarding and aim to establish and maintain an environment where learners feel secure and listened to. We have a legal and moral obligation to safeguard and protect all students, and we will act quickly if there is any suspicion that a student is being abused, harassed, bullied, or neglected.
Prevista are knowledgeable and well equipped to deal with many Safeguarding incidents, including:
Emotional Abuse
Physical Abuse
Rape and Sexual Abuse
Verbal Abuse
Domestic Abuse
Suicidal thoughts/ Mental health
Eating Disorders
On-line Abuse
Substance Misuse
Preventing Radicalisation
HATE Crime
Sexual exploitation and Grooming
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Forced Marriage
Honour Based Violence
Financial Abuse
Institutional Abuse
The Principles set out by the Care Act which underpin the Safeguarding of adults comprise:
People should be encouraged and supported to make their own decisions regarding informed consent
It is better to take action before harm occurs; do we all know the signs of abuse?
The least intrusive response should be made, appropriate to the risk presented.
Support and representation should be given to those in greatest need, according to those needs.
Services offer local solutions through working closely with their communities which have a part to play in preventing detecting and reporting neglect and abuse.
Services offer local solutions through working closely with their communities which have a part to play in preventing detecting and reporting neglect and abuse.
Misconduct is defined as unacceptable or improper behaviour, usually by an employee or professional person.
According to the UK government, miconduct in regards to safeguarding is when an allegation against a teacher is in any way connected to the risk of harm, or actual harm to a child or person. In this case, the incident is usually reported to the DBS.
Please report misconduct incidents immediately.
Abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of their gender, age, race, socioeconomic level, sexuality, or origin.
There are many different types of abuse and recognising each one is impotant:
Emotional Abuse
Does the individual(s) ever:
Belittle you or make fun of you?
Blame you for the abuse or arguments?
Deny that there is abuse or downplay it?
Make you feel iscolated and alone?
Make you feel unsafe attending classes?
Threats and intimidation
Does the individual(s) ever:
Threaten to hurt or kill you?
Destroy things that belong to you?
Stand over you or invade your personal space in a way that makes you feel unsafe?
Invade your privacy e.g. going through your personal belongings, reading your emails or texts etc?
Harass or follow you?
Physical abuse
Does the individual(s) ever:
Slap, hit or punch you?
Push or shove you?
Bite or kick you?
Burn you?
Choke you or hold you down?
Throw things?
Sexual abuse/ harassment
Sexual abuse can happen to anyone, whether they’re male or female.
Does the individual(s) ever:
Touch you inappropriately?
Make unwanted sexual advances?
Send emails or texts of a sexual nature?
Threaten to expose pictures of you?
Make degrogatory jokes about you?
Degrade you in public or in private?
If you are experiencing any of these, contact us immediately for help.
If you are in immediate danger, contact the police on 999.
Modern slavery is a human rights violation and is serious crime. Victims are forced, threatened or deceived into situations of subjugation, degradation and control which undermine their personal identity and sense of self.
This includes slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, which occurs when individuals are harboured and transported for exploitation.
Reporting Modern Slavery
Call 999 in an emergency situation and 101 if sharing information about a Modern Day Slavery issue.
Call the Modern Day Slavery Helpline
0800 0121 700.
The Salvation Army Modern Slavery Human Trafficking Helpline UK
0800 808 3733
Helping under 18s
For advice for under 18s, call the NSPCC Child Trafficking Advice Centre 080 880 050 00 or Barnardo’s National Counter-Trafficking Service 0800 043 4303 for hands-on support.
You can report an incident using the 'Report' button above.
Alternatively, if you are usnsure that your situation is a safeguarding issue and need someone to talk to please contact your tutor.
If you feel that you are in immediate danger, please contact the police.
At Prevista, all staff are required to partake in mandetory safeguarding training as part of induction.
Safeguarding information resources, which include thorough guidance on processes, procedures, laws, and statutory duties, are available to all employees. These are regularly updated and all staff are required to read and sign them.
Internet safety is incredibly important in today's digital age. The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, but it also presents many potential risks such as online predators, identity theft, and cyberbullying. Without proper precautions, individuals may unwittingly expose themselves and their personal information to these dangers. By being vigilant and cautious, individuals can help ensure their online activities remain secure and protect themselves from the potential risks of the internet.
Watch our video on the importance of online safety for everyone and our top tips for keeping safe online. Together for a better internet.
You can follow us on social media to view our campaign on online safety and for regular updates on keeping safe online.
Safeguarding Lead
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Safeguarding Officer
If learners feel they have been treated with a lack of respect, been harassed, discriminated against, or exploited in any way, then they must speak to their tutor or contact a member of the Safeguarding Team. If you as an employer have any safeguarding concerns, please report to our designated safeguarding team members.
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