Kelly is working as a Nursery Assistant at Goover School. With no previous childcare qualifications and a passion to develop her skills, Kelly decided to undertake a Children and Young People’s Workforce Level 2 qualification.
Although very keen and committed to completing the Apprenticeship, Kelly required intensive support from her Prevista Assessor, Eszter Kaloczi. With just the ICT component to complete and being heavily pregnant and without access to a laptop to do extra study at home, it was a race against time to support Kelly to complete the qualification before giving birth. In line with Prevista’s policy of tailoring all provision to learner’s individual needs, Eszter arranged an additional intensive three one-hour sessions of ICT support outside of working hours, providing one to one ICT tuition covering everything that may have come up in the exam. Eszter explains:
“After our first ICT session Kelly felt very overwhelmed and was struggling to deal with all the information. However, showing her commitment, she went home and noted down all the information she could remember and memorised the formulas for excel and the steps that needed to be completed. At the next session Kelly was completely transformed and completed the practice paper with minimal support. Following her final one-hour session Kelly was ready to take the exam and passed comfortably”.
Now that she has completed her level 2 apprenticeship and had her baby, Kelly is looking to the future and is already planning on starting a level 3 Children and Young People’s Workforce apprenticeship when she returns from maternity leave.