Following our Ofsted inspection in June 2018, Prevista have been informed by the awarding body that ‘we remain a good provider’ and have retained our Grade 2 rating for our provision of Education & Skills Funding Agency programmes.
The inspection report highlights our commitment to learners, subcontractors and employers, supported through strong leadership, rigorous performance management and quality assurance standards, and highly motivated staff.
Amongst the evidence for a “good” grading, the report states:
‘Prevista has further promoted their inspirational vision and culture, which have learners’ priorities and success at the heart of what they do. The vision and culture positively permeate all aspects of leaders’, managers’ and staff’s work and are reflected in the high expectations Prevista has of its staff, learners, subcontractors and employers’.
‘Leaders have established a strong culture of keeping learners safe, which positively impacts upon decision making at every level of Prevista’.
‘The rigorous quality assurance noted at the previous inspection continues, and leaders pay very good attention to the performance management of subcontractors’.
‘Prevista’s experienced and knowledgeable non-executive board provides very good challenge and support for the managing directors and the managers. Board members promote clear strategic aims and ambitions, with learners and their success at the centre of their actions’.
‘Managers and staff ensure that employers are fully involved in the development of their learners’ training plans and employers support learners well to develop and use their skills at work. As a consequence, learners understand the value of their studies to their employment, are highly motivated and keen to learn, and make positive contributions in their workplaces’.
Prevista’s Executive Directors and the Board of Directors would like to thank and congratulate everyone involved for their commitment and skill in achieving this Ofsted result, including our supply chain partners who have demonstrated high levels of hard work and diligence in guiding their learners to positive progression outcomes. The outcome is also a testament to our commitment to our learners who remain at the heart of the business at Prevista.
Prevista Ltd 10046774 Final pdf