Seran Karakas started her Level 2 Team Leader Apprenticeship with Prevista on the 12th of March 2018, which lasted for a year. Before Seran began her apprenticeship, she was working at Bright kids’ nursery in Hackney as a room practitioner. Unfortunately, she lacked the core skills needed to progress in her current role, such as confidence and experience to carry out staff observations, appraisals, risk assessments, or providing feedback to staff members.
Sebastian Chambers, Seran’s tutor, was able to guide and help Seran throughout the course of her apprenticeship. Seran’s selected units were covered in-depth, as well as functional skills Math’s, English & ICT. Seran also had Unit knowledge questions set for her to answer; this way, her tutor, was always able to have a good idea of where her knowledge was and where she might need improvement.
Sebastian and Seran set Smart targets; one of them was for Seran to gain confidence so she could start to act like a team leader and manager. As a result of her hard work and her tutor’s supports, Seran grew her self-esteem and confidence. She quickly became comfortable and confident in delegating tasks to other members of staff.
Soon, Seran’s demonstration of competency opened up the opportunity she had been looking for. She continued to make rapid progress throughout her apprenticeship. As a result, she was awarded her Level 2 Team Leading qualification and successfully promoted to room leader.
Congratulations Seran!