Having been unemployed for sometime due to depression Shannon was told about Prevista’s Mental Wellbeing programme by her work coach at the Jobcentre. Shannon was initially interested in the programme as she wanted to develop her work skills and was nervous about reading and writing. She also had no experience of using PCs which of course is a very important part of the work environment.
Initially she was given an individual Information, Advice and Guidance session which she found very helpful as it enabled her to focus on her skills and what she needed to develop.
She started the programme and found the training she received on IT and employability skills incredibly useful. “The tutors were really good and very nice they taught me to use a computer and how to use it for job search. I became more confident on a PC which has really helped me look for work.”
Shannon has started a work placement in a customer services/sales department assisting adults into work which she is learning a great deal from. “I’m now working in a team who I find very friendly, I really feel supported.” She is now developing administration skills “I am carrying out a variety of admin tasks which I have never done before. I feel more confident in myself. I am enjoying what I’m doing.”
Shannon is hoping that she will be able to find an administration role soon as she now feels that she has confidence and the skills in this area.