Ella was referred to Prevista through the NEETS team Hertfordshire, she had achieved English GCSE and left school early due to mental health issues. Ella was extremely nervous and anxious and had confidence issues and was concerned if Prevista could meet her needs. After reassurance she started her journey with Prevista.
Ella started with Prevista and from the first day was engaging and enthusiastic and really put effort into her future. She feels like she has overcome barriers relating to learning and feels more confident and is extremely happy. Ella stated that she felt 100% supported from Prevista and working within her work placement she feels it has improved her confidence.
Ella started her work placement with Go live test and immediately made impact, her focus and enthusiasm impressed our client so much that she has been offered a fantastic opportunity as a apprentice in Digital marketing focusing on social media and other aspects of marketing.
Ella has a clear career path mapped out and is excited at the prospect of her future.
"Just go for it … there is nothing wrong with feeling nervous or anxious and having barriers, Prevista will help you overcome the barriers and will encourage and support you to achieve success".
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